Ga-Koro Ferry

From BZPower Roleplaying Wiki
A ferry docked at Ga-Koro.

The Ga-Koro Ferry is a toll-free ferry service for the Naho Bay area and other locations along Mata Nui's eastern shore.


Based out of Ga-Koro's docks, the ferry travels to multiple locations within and around Naho Bay.

Although the ferry can be directed anywhere within a reasonable distance of Naho Bay, a list of ports it routinely travels between are as follows:

  • Ga-Koro Docks, located in multiple locations around the village.
  • Port of Forsi, along the northern shore of Naho Bay.
  • Po-Wahi port, located at the terminus of a small inlet, the mouth of which is situated next to Forsi's docks.
  • Ta-Wahi beach docks, along the Ta-Wahi Beach Path, located near the Great Telescope.
  • Terminus Port, at the terminus of the Hura-Mafa River.
  • Port of Ostia, only occasionally, as it is a great distance away from Ga-Koro.


The ferry on the waters of Naho Bay.

Since the defeat of the First Toa, the one-boat, three-port ferry has expanded into a much larger service, utilizing multiple boats and traveling to an ever-growing list of ports along eastern Mata Nui.

In-Game History