The Toa Shaydas

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The Toa Shaydas are a team of Dark Toa who have pledged themselves to Makuta.


At some point before their arrival on the island of Mata Nui, in a distant land, Chavara turned away from the teachings of Mata Nui, recognising that Makuta represented power. Gathering two like-minded Dark Toa as followers, the three became the Toa Shaydas, and set off for the island of Mata Nui to join Makuta's forces.

They aided in the attack on Ko-Koro, and helped break out the occupants of the Ko-Koro prison. After trying and failing to attack the city hospital, the trio retreated to Ga-Koro to recover. They later journeyed with a group of other beings to Po-Koro, where they became part of the quest to find the panacea.



The three can barely tolerate each other at times, and tensions are always high, yet somehow they all managed to get along and work together when it is required of them.



  • All who follow Makuta.


  • Mirra - Chavara has a personal hatred for her.
  • Any others who worship Mata Nui.


  • none yet


  • none yet